Monday, July 27, 2015

DISCOVER the Wonders of: Quinoa!

Move over Kale, theres a new superfood taking the world by storm, Quinoa!! Quinoa is a grain native to South America that is both delicious and nutritious! This gluten free substitute is a great replacement for rice and pasta that everyone will love!

Its so easy to cook and it can be prepared in 12-15 mins! So how do you cook this grain exactly?
  1. Starting off with dry quinoa, gently rinse it in a fine-mesh strainer
  2. For each serving, double the amount of water added to the saucepan. To give it extra flavor, cook the quinoa in broth instead!
  3. Add a pinch of salt and begin to stir.
  4. Bring the water or broth to a boil and let the covered pot sit for about 15 mins.
  5. Once the liquid is fully absorbed by the quinoa, use a fork to fluff. 
Then its time to serve and enjoy! 

How do you spice it up? 

One of my favorite things about quinoa is that its so versatile! There are so many ways to spice it up, its hard to pick just one!
  • In the picture above I added: red and orange bell peppers, cilantro, green onion, celery and a hint of lime!
  • Another one of my favorite recipes mixes: grilled chicken, shredded carrots, kale, sun dried tomatoes, with feta cheese and topped with a pesto sauce!  
One serving is about 1/4 of a cup
  • It gives you 48% of magnesium needs without barely any cholesterol and sodium (0mg & 13mg)! 
  • Has about 71% carbs, 14% fat and 15% protein
  • With 13.1g of protein quinoa beats out brown rice with 7.5g and white rice with 6.6g
And the benefits...
  • Antioxidant
  • Antiseptic
  • Helps with bone, brain, heart, skin and colon health
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Energy boost
  • Fights stress
  • Lowers blood pressure
...just to name a few! 

So what are you waiting for? Try cooking quinoa yourself and keep an eye out for it on restaurant menu, all while aiming for the fit flavor of your life!

-xx Kassandra

Information gathered from: GimmeSomeOven, AboutNutritionFacts, StepIntoMyGreenWorld

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