Monday, July 13, 2015

Finding Your Montra!

Unlike most teenagers and young adults, Mondays are one of my favorite days of the week. Mondays mean a new week for risks and a new chance for triumph. But sometimes, its easier to just stay in bed all day then it is to go out, eat right and get fabulously fit. Thus, #MotivationalMondays were created! 

I have found that having a weekly montra helps me stick to my goals. I have searched pinterest high and low for quotes and sayings that will make me want to werk it and work hard all week. Hopefully, they'll inspire you and maybe even become your montra for this week! 

Montra #1 puts workouts in a brand new perspective that will certainly make you think the next time you think about skipping the gym!

Working out and eating right is tough, especially when theres the temptation of netflix binging and junk food. Montra #2 reminds you to think of why you set the goals you're aiming for and the reasons why you are aiming for the #FitFlavor in the first place!

My #1 excuse for not working out is exactly what Montra #3 refutes! Everyone has busy lives but it is up to you to making working out a priority. It may be hard at first but once you get into the habit, you won't think of having it any other day.

Montra #4 understands that you are your own best critic which is why it encourages you to prove yourself wrong, out-do yourself and show yourself that you can shine. Working toward the #FitFlavor is just a battle against yourself. 

Montra #5 says it plain and simple. The key is to actually make goals. Sit down, grab a notebook or even write a note on your phone of things you want to change and how you plan on going about those changes then simply, get to it! 

There is nothing more satisfying than completing a workout or going a full day without cheating on your healthy diet. Montra #6 reminds you to keep that in mind throughout each day! Your daily choices will determine what your future looks like.

Montra #7 preaches perhaps the most important thing about aiming for the #FitFlavor. Exercising and eating right should not be for others, it should be for yourself; it should not be about appearances, it should be about your health. Ignore the negative energy and focus on the good. In the end, the only one that truly is affected by from your habits is yourself. 

Theres nothing like giving yourself a pep talk in the mirror before a workout or repeating a montra on the treadmill when the going gets tough. Montra #9 is the perfect saying to think of before, during and after your workout. Use the thoughts of your final results to push you to keep on going!

Montra #10 explains that without discipline, a healthy lifestyle is practically impossible. So, choose your battles. Do you want that cookie that will satisfy you for a minute? Or do you want that smoking hot body that will satisfy you for a lifetime? 

The reality of getting fit and eating right is that it is not an easy journey. It won't happen over night. It will take tons of will power and maybe some sacrifice. But in the end, don't you think it will be worth it? Seeing yourself the way you have always hoped to, will overcome you with joy. Knowing you treated your body well and are strong and healthy, will make you want to push yourself even more to maintain those healthy decisions. 

So go out there, use your new montra & aim for the #FitFlavor of your life!

 - xx Kassandra

Disclaimer: The mortars above are not property of The Fit Flavor ©. 

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