Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Zest Up Your Summer with Zucchini Taco Boats & Zucchini Tots!

One of my favorite veggies to eat during the summer season is ZUCCHINI! The vegetable itself has a rather bland taste but the addition or substitution of it to any recipe adds a zesty crunch!

For dinner last night, I decided to experiment in the kitchen and try out the first recipe, Zucchini Boat Tacos and let me tell you, they were a hit!

So here is what you need to make your new, and incredibly easy, favorite dinner speciality...

  • Zucchini- I would recommend one whole zucchini, two halves, per serving however zucchinis can ran a bit small so use your best judgment to guide how much each person will want to eat
  • Diced Tomatoes or Mild Salsa- This is preference however for the more #FitFlavor, diced tomatoes will do the trick and taste just as good!
  • 93% Lean Ground Turkey
  • Meat Seasoning: garlic powder, kosher salt, chili powder, paprika, cumin etc- Again, this is another preference. Season the turkey with spice you and your loved ones like!
  • Lettuce, Minced Onions, Scallions and/or Cilantro for toppings!
  • Fat Free Mexican Cheese Blend

And here is what you do...

  1. After you wash your produce, slice each zucchini down the middle, length wise. 
  2. Use a small spoon or preferably a melon to scoop the inside of each halve. Place zucchini insides in a side dish to use for recipe #2! Try to leave 1/4" of zucchini inside to help support your shell.
  3. In a skillet, prepare your ground turkey. Once the turkey is no longer showing any pink, add your preferred seasoning and mix thoroughly. 
  4. Use a spoon to fill up your Zucchini boats with the meat. Try pressing down on the meat, into the boat, to try to fit as much as possible.
  5. Sprinkle about 1 tablespoon of cheese across each zucchini and bake it in the oven, at 350F, for approximately 30-40 minutes. 
  6. Once the cheese has melted and the zucchini has cooked, top it off with your toppings! Personally, I believe the more, the merrier! 
  7. Last but not least, enjoy! 
The photo above shows a zucchini boat that has just come out of the oven without any toppings on it as well as a zucchini boat with all the toppings mentioned above!!

This recipe is so easy and quick to do, I can already tell it will become one of my favorites! Not to mention its low carb and gluten free...wish I could say the same about normal tacos.

But now what do we do with all the leftover zucchini insides?

Well lucky for you, recipe #2 transforms them into a side dish that although it may not the prettiest but it definitely could be the most delicious! 

To create these, Zucchini Tots, here is what you'll need...

  • Zucchini- Your leftover insides from recipe #1 will do the job perfectly
  • An egg
  • Fat Free/ Reduced Fat Sharp Cheddar, Mozzarella or Mexican Cheese Blend- Up to your personal preference however I used the Sharp Cheddar!
  • Minced onion
  • Breadcrumbs- Don't have breadcrumbs? Rolled oats, crunched up cracker or bran flakes will also do the trick
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Cooking Spray

And here is what you do...

  1. Grate your zucchini into thin slices. Each cup will make approximately 12 tots!
  2. Wring all the excess water from your zucchini. If you feel as though you can't get all the water out, try damping the zucchini with a clean paper towel.
  3. Mix your zucchini, egg, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper into a bowl. 
  4. Measure out a tablespoon of the mixture into your hand and shape them into an oval. If you prefer a more "hash brown" like style, then flatten the oval before placing it on the pan.
  5. Cover your cookie sheet/baking try with cooking spray and delicately place each tot on.
  6. Place the tots into the oven at 400 F, for 15-20 mins. Turn the tots if needed and cook until they show a golden color. 
  7. Take the tots out of the oven, sprinkle a little bit more cheese over each tot and pop them into the oven for 5 more mins!
  8. Then, enjoy!
It as simple as that! You now have two new recipes that are perfect for the summer. Zucchini Taco Boats are an excellent way to mix up taco night and the Zucchini Tots are a great alternative to your average tater tots!! 

By eating THIS and not THAT, you'll certainly be aiming for the fit flavor of your life!

-xx Kassandra

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