Monday, July 20, 2015

The Knowledge is in the Palm of Your Hand!

Have you ever wondered what specific serving sizes look like? Have you ever found yourself out and about with a need to measure food? Well, lucky for you the knowledge is all in the palm of your hand, literally! You can use your own hand to estimate several different measurement. By memorizing these general equivalents, you'll be able to figure out accurate serving sizes and so much more!!

Your fist is equivalent to 1 Cup.
If you measure out this amount in rice or pasta, it is about 200 calories.
If you measure out this amount in fruit, it is about 75 calories. 
If you measure out this amount in vegetables, it is about 40 calories.

Your palm is equivalent to 3 ounces. 
If you measure out this amount in meat, it is about 160 calories.
If you measure out this amount in fish, it is about 160 calories.
If you measure out this amount in poultry, it is about 160 calories.

A handful is equivalent to 1 ounce.
If you measure out this amount in nuts, it is about 170 calories.
If you measure out this amount in dried fruit, it is about 85 calories.
If you measure out this amount in chips, it is about 150 calories.
If you measure out this amount in popcorn, it is about 120 calories.
If you measure out this amount in pretzels, it is about 100 calories.

Your thumb is also equivalent to 1 ounce.
If you measure out this amount in peanut butter, it is about 170 calories.
If you measure out this amount in hard cheese, it is about 100 calories.
Your thumb tip is equivalent to 1 teaspoon.
If you measure out this amount in cooking oil, it is about 40 calories.
If you measure out this amount in mayonnaise, it is about 35 calories.
If you measure out this amount in butter, it is about 35 calories.
If you measure out this amount in sugar, it is about 15 calories.

It's as simple as that. Keep these amounts in the back of your head and you're sure to be heading to the Fit Flavor of your life!

-xx Kassandra

Information gathered from: BuzzFeed

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