Thursday, July 9, 2015

Why Walk!

Moving to a city, I quickly had to get used to less driving around and more walking. Before I knew it, walks that seem to drag on for hours started to seem like short trips around the corner. Not to mention, I noticed an overall increase in my daily energy and a better tone in my leg muscles. But I wanted to learn more, was it just me or was my walking every day really making a difference in my health? Well, here is what I found...

If one were to walk only thirty minutes, five days a week then: you'll have a reduced risk for glaucoma and you'll also halve your risk for alzheimer's disease over five years. For all you women, you'll be limiting colon cancer by 31%.

Walking also gets your body going in more ways than one. You'll get a boost of endorphins which helps ease stress, tension, anger, fatigue and confusion, you'll halve the odds of catching a cold, you'll improve your blood pressure by five points and you'll build bone mass which reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

And apparently by walking, Im not just toning my legs! Even though your leg muscles receive the majority of the benefit from walking, while walking you're also working your arm and shoulder muscles as well as activating those core ab muscles.

If all the health reasons weren't enough, remember that walking is probably the most inexpensive type of exercise you can do. Its accessible to everyone, there is no equipment required and its something you can do anywhere, at any time! Plus, it has been scientifically proven to burn more calories than jogging.

So why not try it?! Grab your headphones and a cute water bottle then go out on a daily walk with friends, explore a nature trail, take your dog out, walk the beach at sunset or even encourage your shopaholic tendencies while walking around the mall, all while aiming for the fit flavor of your life!

-xx Kassandra

Information gathered from:  EveryBodyWalk

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