Friday, July 24, 2015

Indulge in Easy, Breezy, Beautiful, Banana Ice Cream!

 Growing up spending my summers in California and Florida, if there is one thing I know, its the summer heat. And I also know the constant struggle f wanted to refresh yourself with an ice cold snow cone or ice cream but at the same time wanting to stick to a healthy diet to maintain your beach bod. Well ladies and gentlemen, I have recently discovered the answer to all of our prayers: Banana Ice Cream. No, Im not talking about Banana Splits, Im talking about the easy TWO ingredient ice cream that is guilt free!
What you'll need to create (3) servings for you and your friends...
  • 2 Bananas
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoons of your favorite mix in
    • The more of your mix in you decide to go with, the less prominent you will be able to taste the bananas so use the measurement as a consideration but feel free to tweak it to your liking! 
    • I choose to go with my favorite Peanut Butter from Trader Joes, but you can also indulge with nutella, stick with fruit and add in strawberries or try cocoa powder for a chocolate flavor! The options are limitless!!
  • Toppings!
    • Again, its totally up to you. I love adding fruits especially cut up strawberries or raspberries! Honey, chocolate chips, coconut flakes and even sunflower seeds are also great ways to spice up your ice cream!

Here's what you do...

1. Chop your bananas and add them into a blender or food processor the blend until it reaches a smooth and creamy consistency

2. Add in the mix in to the blender or food processor and again, blend until it reaches a smooth and creamy consistency

3. Scoop your cream into a bowl and place in the freezer for 3-4 hrs.

Then, enjoy, its as simple and painless as that!
If you do try this recipe out, make sure to tweet me a picture @TheFitFlavor and let me know what mix ins and toppings you decided to go for!!

This ice cream can hardly be considered a dessert but it tastes just like one! You truly get the best of both worlds all while aiming for the FitFlavor of your life!

-xx Kassandra

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